Oh my god this line cracked me up "wanted to live their faith, they would've objected to a speech this masturbatory.".

I wish we didn't have to think about this garbage, but your point about this is what the owner's represent behind the veil is exactly one of the myriad of reasons I stopped following and even watching any games. And I am a meat eating cis white dude that played college sports. And I'm not making a hollow threat like the whining we heard about kneeling. I have better things to do that are more fulfilling than watching commercials three day's a week or listening to talking head's bloviate the rest of the week.

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May 17·edited May 17

I keep telling myself - and maybe I'm whistling past the graveyard - is that all of this is a reaction, not the main current of our society, which is changing in many positive ways that drive these religious freaks to be even crazier than they already were.

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I have never heard the phrase whistling past the graveyard. I plan on stealing it...

But good god I hope you are correct. I just worry there is a lot of data that conjurs a bit of doubt. You don't have to look any farther than the presidential polls. But that can be debated and looked at in so many ways, maybe that doesn't prove my point, but I would argue it's strongly invigorating the worst aspects of conservative current.

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May 17·edited May 17

One of the things I'm looking at is this "Men's movement" as a reaction to what they call "the feminization of American society." And they're on to something, because our society is, broadly, becoming more empathetic, and empathy is a quality that we've traditionally associated with women. But the main current, I believe, is growing empathy and understanding of people not like ourselves and I think that trend is powerful and unstoppable.

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Great points and I agree. One could add the conservative attacks on the educational system are motivated by that same current. It is frightening that teaching and striving to be a moral human is considered political.

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I pay zippo attention to anything to do with sports, so I missed most of the memes about this that started scattering my feeds. Thanks for the description of the speech and the responses; I agree with all of the latter and then some.

I grew up in the era Betty Friedan was talking about in The Feminine Mystique, which was published a couple of years before I graduated college. I struggled for YEARS thereafter to get over the "housewife is what you should be" syndrome. I worked as a teacher to "put my husband through grad school" which was an acceptable form of women working then--both the profession and the reason. I YEARNED to become the true homemaker. Finally, he finished and got his job and I "relaxed." And was bored silly.

I went on to grad school and law school and finally was able to earn my own living--and divorced the husband who STILL believed that I was supposed to be the homemaker, despite juggling children and and life as an associate attorney, and still castigated if I didn't have dinner on the table when he was ready.

I don't fault women who decide for themselves that homemaker is what they want. My daughter in law did and fills her days with lots of volunteering for things I agree fully need volunteers--particularly LGBTQ rights. But that was a matter of yes, CHOICE. To still be told you HAVE to be this way as you start your post-college life is paternalistic and demeaning in the extreme, and the women in that class are set up for the same struggle I went through. I feel for them. Eventually the "mystique" wears off.

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He’s a pimple on the ass of humanity.

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Butker, just saying, when your team owes a pretty large amount of publicity to the fact a famous female singer is dating your tight end, you shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds. The people in charge of your team would happily allow Travis Kelce to perform Riverdance on your gonads if they thought it would make money, and now it probably will.

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"But... but... I'm the PLACEKICKER! Pay attention to MEEEE"

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Thanks for these roundups, Parker. Being off Twitter and canceling most of my news subscriptions makes it tough to keep up with decent coverage of anything.

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I love that most of these pieces use the fact that Butker’s mom was a working woman to criticize the crap he said. And I love the piece that looks at all the women that work for the team he plays for. lol.

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Harry Buttkisser

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