I don't think life in this country is going to be tenable for us much longer.

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I was horrified to see the Proud Boys disrupting an event so close to home, in the Bay Area -- literally just a few miles from my house -- and it's stuff like that which has made me hesitant to put up my Pride flag this year (in past years I've had "discussions" with my Republican, gun-toting neighbor across the street about that flag flying on the front of our house but I don't believe he'd actually _do_ anything about it).

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It's terrifying, and I'm really frustrated that the Dem party isn't going harder at this. Even looking at it from the most self-serving lens possible... jfc, they're not going to stop at the LGBTQ community. All liberals or people suspected of liberal leanings will also be violently targeted.

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🤓❣ there's some good signs mainstream is speaking more about these attacks. We all need to call out extremists 🤔 religious or just extreme ignorance to the reality of the human being. Dumb and dumber sitting together in the back of a uhaul driven by evil with money on their mind is definitely a time bomb. A world wide mental and moral health crisis isn't going to just disappear, although I pray for that and its going to be a physical battle at times to cure or fix or treat. Never stop fighting hate or stupidity Speaking out or informing as soon as it flares up is a must daily. Not easy because I know it can lead to isolation when people are to busy just trying to survive their situations. I don't find it hard to take a second to be mindful but I know every one is not me and I can deal with that. Sometimes I'm intolerant and it just ends in a fuck you 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ humans are complicated as much as simple. Stay proud and strong in a good way and things mostly go well. 🤔 because how bout that weather 🤔 or how bout that war 🤔 and how bout this inflation. Can't hide but can talk and try to lift each other . All of this is very personal from the LGBTQ to racism to Nazi's and I care about every life 🌱 even if not an immediate relation. 🤓 the end 🤞🏼🖖🏽✌🏽

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I can't believe this is not a bigger story. With all of the mass shootings going on and states like Florida codifying bigotry into their educational system, you would hope that an instance whereby white nationalists almost instigated a violent and disruptive riot (during Pride Month, no less) would get more coverage.

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I’m afraid that you’re right and it will only be a matter of time before the extremists decide they’re justified in killing the people Republicans have been dehumanizing.

And I won’t be surprised if mainstream Democrats not only don’t stand up for trans people but jump on the band wagon to suppress and erase them. All in the name of electability and getting right with working class white folks.

It’s also ironic to see the Satanic Temple -- who don’t believe in God or Satan-- believe in actual religious freedom while the Christians clearly don’t.

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