Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Jesse Watters is such an idiot. The Daily Show had a clip of his performative outrage over Trans Visibility Day, him claiming it was a blasphemy against the sacred tradition of Easter, "When Jesus died, or was resurrected, or whatever." Ah yes, our sacred tradition of, you know, that thing, the... whatever.

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In an address to the nation about abortion, Biden needs to make one thing clear. "I am a practicing Catholic and my church is against abortion. But my support for reproductive freedom is based on my further belief that I have no right to insist that others who do not share my religion be forced to follow its beliefs. I would never counsel a relative to get an abortion, but I would also never deny her the right to make the choice herself."

He obviously has to refute the bit about "full term" abortions, not to mention "executing" newborns. Roe did NOT authorize "full term abortions." It merely held (along with Casey) that until the fetus reached viability it didn't have "rights" that were greater than those of the mother to make her own choices. AFTER viability, states could make laws that BALANCED the rights of the fetus and mother, but did not privilege the former over the latter: each case would be individually decided between doctor and patient. So as long as a state passed an "anti abortion" law dealing with post-viability fetuses, those would be consitutional so long as that balancing was allowed.

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Missing a link to the Chris Dalla Riva post?

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