“I wouldn’t take Donald Trump’s word on the weather, let alone on an issue of such consequence as reproductive freedom.”

In the end, that’s the thing. I wouldn’t care if he said “I think abortion should be totally up to a person and their doctor” and I wouldn’t care. He’d “change his mind” the day after Election Day because—I don’t know, someone was “unfair” to him or something.

His statement has the “post-birth execution” lie right there in it. Why would anyone believe anything else he says after that?

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Here's one way they could have written the headline and had it be more accurate:

While Bragging He Killed Roe, Trump Now Claims Abortion Should Be Left Up To States, While His Campaign Confirms Trump Supports All Statewide Abortion Bans [Gift Link]


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He's such a rambling mess I honestly wonder how anyone pulls out a sentence and says, "yes, this is what he's talking about. This is what he means." Like the passage where he says the thing they're all reporting is all over the place. Plus he was lying about people advocating for executing babies after they've been born in the sentence right before.

Not to mention all of the actual evidence about how he's been talking about abortion leading up to now. This is all so pull-your-hair-out frustrating.

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If Trump’s lips are moving, he’s lying. Anyone who has been paying attention knows where this is going. Christian Nationalism will never allow states or individuals to make their own decisions.

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I know this has been a question du jour for some time, but...how does the majority of legacy media or whatever we're calling it get it wrong every damned day? why can't they parse his easily parsed speech? how can they report "is" as "should"?

Trump's statement is full of outrageous lies, too many to note. but seeing him represent that the legal eagles across the political spectrum all wanted Roe reversed and his oft-repeated lie about imaginary women who carry till term, go through labor, then take one look at their baby and say, "well Doc, not feelin' it, kill it"...infuriating.

"will of the people" my a**.

Trump has managed to claim credit for killing Roe (for the forced birther MAGAs) and also to back away, hands up, saying hey, I'm like Reagan, I support exceptions (as if that's a huge concession, as if exceptions actually get women abortions when needed). he's the great man who freed the country from the 50-year hell that was Roe (all sides wanted this!), and now he wants only that we use our hearts and minds and faith (words he used ad nauseum) to do "what's right" for our families yadda yadda yadda.

you really have to be brain dead to report all this as Trump softening on abortion restrictions.

why is our political press flat-lining, brain dead? if all that matters is the view from nowhere, we've got a one-way ticket to hell.

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"We have too many stenographers and too few truth-tellers."

Except, as your excellent reporting shows, they can't even do stenography right.

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yeah, right. "the Democrats are the radical ones on this position because they support abortion up to and even beyond the ninth month. The concept of having an abortion in the later months and even execution after birth, and that's exactly what it is."

So he is either flat out lying about Roe or he doesn't even know what the thing he is so proud of overturning even SAYS. Roe (+ Casey) only ruled up to viability. All else is up to the states. A state with a Eugenics attitude could pass a law that says "all folks below the poverty line MUST have an abortion no later than 9 months.

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CNN headline: "Trump clarifies stance on abortion" and then CNN updated it to "Trump makes his stance on abortion clear." Nope.

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Whatever might get the forced-birth loons to stop voting for him, is okay with me.

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Whatever the situation, Syphilis HAS to be in the spotlight .

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NBC et al are not going to change. The DNC needs to step up with massive paid media.

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Out of context, maybe you can construe the remarks the way most of the media did. Maybe. In full context, however, it's a clear exhortation for his supporters to vote in numbers to restrict access to abortion. He's not softening any stance.

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Dunno what to do, obviously any time he's speaking on TV there should be below him in large block letters HE'S A FUCKING LIAR DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING HE SAYS because he is a fucking liar and we shouldn't believe anything he says. OTOH if there's anyone, at this point, who says, "Well, this Trump fellow seems to have some interesting ideas, let's give him a fair hearing!" I don't know what to do with someone like that except to say they shouldn't be left alone with sharp objects.

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