This is a great piece, I'm terrified of what comes next for us. Almost no one else seems to give a flying fuck what is coming

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I got my school counseling degree about 18 months ago. I'm already out of the field. Living in a red state, it's genuinely not possible for those of us who very decidedly do not pass to get started. Some still try, they're braver than I am.

A friend of a friend was just fired from her 27-year career for advocating for a trans student, and she was a cis woman with all those years of experience and community involvement.

I genuinely do not know what to do.

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It's really quite dark how openly hateful Conservative forums have become, and screaming their hate out in public has become almost a duty.

They also obsess over free speech while banning all dissenting voices at a speed that would make Putin proud.

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I'm sorry Parker. I don't even know what to say anymore. The right has gone nuts, the media is helping them, and the public seems to be tired of having to pay attention.

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I'm so tired and so sorry this happens over and over and over again. I wish people could see that individual liberation is bound with communal liberation and that it is all of our responsibility to counter this in every way we can. I ... just don't know how to counter it when it seems no one wants to listen.

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FTR I am as pro-choice as they come, and think that Ted Cruz is a total POS

I just have one teensy bit of concern here.

What effects do taking testosterone have on a developing embryo/fetus?

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