You’re on the money, as usual. It’s too bad the only lesson anyone took from last summer is “threats work”.

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What's amazing is that these corporations still haven't figured out that by half-assing these things, they're alienating both the hate-filled bigots AND the LGBTQ community. The Bud Light boycott got so bad because instead of standing their ground and at least getting support from the LGBTQ community, they alienated us as well, so now it's a double boycott they had to deal with rather than just some crybabies who are mad that they had to see a single ad with a trans woman. Target is going to face a similar situation, because (as Parker points out) the only acceptable amount of Pride merchandise for bigots is zero, so they're not going to be happy regardless. And now that Target caved to the bigots, I know a lot of LGBTQ folks who won't shop there (myself included, though I stopped after they totally flubbed this whole situation last year).

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“CEO Brian Cornell mentioned the “gut-wrenching” experiences of their staff amid these threats …”

So hire some real security and throw troublemakers out, by whatever means necessary.

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This. He was so upset he — check notes — did jack and shit.

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Is "consumer feedback" the new euphemism for bomb threats?

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Embarrassing for Target to fold on this. Complete lack of integrity on their part as they for years have rainbow washed this month.

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I’d like to know who the bird brain at target is that came up with this idea. Anyone with half a brain knows that cutting down the amount of LGBTQ merchandise will not satisfy the rabid right. Target satisfies no one with this tactic.

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Crazy. They looked at Anheuser-Busch's response to throwing Mulvaney under the bus and how well that worked out them, then thought — "but what if WE did the exact same thing?"

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Can't wait for Target's 2025 press release stating that in response to "consumer feedback" it will no longer be serving Pride merch.

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Exactly. Conservatives/Republicans don't need actual provocation to spin a narrative about a company "going woke." Capitulating only risks emboldening them.

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