Great follow up to Taylor's article yesterday. I really tried to find some legitimate argument to someone on the right about not doxing(?) LoTT, and all I could find were worse and worse takes on twitter.

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I'm seeing a lot of Twitter comments about Lorenz "doxxing" Chaya Raichik by including her address and phone number in the original article, and that WaPo was forced to remove it after publication. As far as I can tell that is a total fabrication, and is based on the fact that Lorenz, in the article, says she called a phone number that Raichik had on her real estate company's profile (which Raichik brilliantly used to register the LibsofTikTok.us domain name), and also called a phone number "at the address listed to Raichik’s name in Los Angeles" (in another bit of brilliance, said address was confirmed as Raichik's home by Glenn Greenwald, one of Libs of TikTok's biggest online amplifiers, and serial tormenter of Lorenz), but never included any phone numbers or addresses in the article itself. It's lies all the way down.

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So you’re saying the right’s professional outrage machine is filled with liars and hypocrites that mount concerted — Borg like — attacks on innocent people. Who would have guessed it? Other than everyone.

What gets me is not so much the lying and hypocrisy, but how utterly ridiculous these stories tend to be. (Litter boxes in schools? Give me a break.) Yet ordinary people get riled up and storm into schools and board meetings spewing this crap.

The Ben Steins of the right wing world know they’re lying but these people don’t. Which is sad and dangerous all at once.

When you see the craziness elected board members like this have to put up with, you wonder why they do it. Of course the answer is increasingly they’re not. Just like teachers quitting, public service is also becoming too toxic for many people.

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In arguing with the crazies about LoTT, one of them brought up people calling themselves “maps.” What are “maps” in this context?

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I *think* that's supposed to be some sort of acronym for pedophiles, like... "minor attracted persons" or something like that? There's been a really long history of anti-LGBTQ people trying to insist that LGBTQ people are pro-pedophile. https://www.them.us/story/behind-the-weird-internet-scheme-to-associate-pedophiles-with-the-lgbtq-community

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I submit that those of you who voluntarily watch FOX News segments and school board meeting proceedings are the real heroes. Also, "Digital Witness" is a bop and I encourage anyone else reading to listen if you haven't.

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