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I'm an active soldier in the war on christmas, so I appreciate the coverage. Loved the article about the communist (non-majority-Christian) countries not celebrating Christmas. What could it mean?????

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Does having to address this every single year ever get exhausting and/or discouraging?

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First off: wow, I had no idea Henry Ford was so... awful! Yikes!

Second: I'd have a _bit_ more sympathy for these folks if Christmas and Easter weren't co-opted from earlier religions and traditions in the first place -- they're not "Christian" festivals, they're long-standing festivals that Christians co-opted as part of making conversion of heathens easier by allowing them to "keep their existing festivals" but just changing the focus/words/etc.

I'll keep wishing people "Merry Yule!" and "Happy Eostar!" :)

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When will my husband return from the War on Christmas?

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Everything is a "war" with conservatives. Even if there is no war on Christmas, that so many on the right see themselves as "soldiers" prepared to go scorched earth against the opposition is scary.

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Doesn't help when (I don't know just how "official" this is) Bethlehem itself has said the are skipping Christmas celebrations this year since everything in that area is too dangerous. Do they know the Pilgrims and Puritans both had it put in their Settlement Charters that Christmas celebrations are banned because the holiday/holy-day had become so corrupted with ungodly/pagan influences.

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Not enough cards that say "Merry Christmas"? Don't blame Hallmark, they are accommodating a significant segment of their market.

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I love my beanie from Kayla's shop! I might have to go pick up another tshirt to wear to family Christmas this year.

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