Mar 8Liked by Parker Molloy

That Dame piece was good too, Parker.

Good work this week. Thank you, as always, for all you do.

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It isn't Biden's age that is the problem, it is that he is clearly not cognitively qualified to be the leader of the free world.

The thing that is most confusing for me and other critical thinkers about the current state of policies... Joe Biden is clearly the favored puppet president of the Regime. The left used to be anti-Regime. Today the left is pushing and pulling for the Regime. The left is all wee weed up about old Joe's hyperpartisan state of the union where he did what you would expect... talked a talk while his policies and actions do the opposite.

For example, he did the common "rich paying their fair share" BS while under old Joe we have seen an explosion of corporate consolidation. Big mommy government loves big daddy business... and the corporations are all in with the Democrat machine to help them grow even bigger and badder.

So the left is basically THE MAN now. Somewhere, somehow... the old Republicans that used to be THE MAN, have become THE PEOPLE... the the left became the army of the Regime.

I wonder you any self-respecting leftist can feel good about that unless they are in denial.

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